Thursday, August 28, 2008


8 days! And Kevin is coming tomorrow morning!! YAY!!! I'm so ready just to hold him in my arms. Sorry about the lack of real updates. It has just dawned on me that I have a wedding in a week, so things have been a little...rushed. Kind of. I still cannot beleive that I'm getting married OR moving to New York City. I'm pretty awesome.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Bridal Luncheon and MORE!

That's my boquet! My wonderful Aunt Jodi made it. I LOVE it. The bridesmaids are smaller and wil look wonderful up next to the navy/dark blue. So...the Friday before the luncheon my aunt is throwing me a bridal luncheon. Woo hoo! And I have a GREAT idea, considering there will be about 7 little girls there. This company will let you have a Disney Princess of your choice show up to an event and wish you whatever, crown you princess and give you a dozen roses and do pictures. So I thought that would be AWESOME if Cinderella showed up at the Luncheon! All the girls would pee their pants. I'm uber excited. And I get roses and a crown...shiiiiit.
Kevin will be here on Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited!! Then the wedding is almost here!! I'm almost married! I'm almost in NYC!! Oh my!! We met with the caterer and everything looks and sound GREAT so far!! Yay!! I'm just ready to be done with this! :) Oh and is you can't see that 12 to the left, sorry, you're color blind. I think...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Ugh! Be Quiet!

Everything in my house seems to be breaking. My mom's car needs a whole new engine. My mom and dad's computer might be broken. AND...the most annoying thing has happened to the dryer. It still dries and stuff but about every 2 minutes a horrible and loud screetching noise emits from the dryer. It is the worst. I have a horrible headache because of it. It's doing it right now in fact. I think my brain is melting.

Monday, August 18, 2008


That is right folks...19 days left! I'm back from getting my dress altered. It looks WONDERFUL!!! I love my dress SOO much. The 5 hour drive there & back was quite fun. A last major road trip (not including the one helping me move to NYC) before I move. I love my mommy. I got some books for my niece and nephew and an awesome present for my sizzle. I'll write more when I get home tonight!

Friday, August 15, 2008

I'm out of town till Sunday. I'm going to pick up my wedding dress! My grandma is altering it for me. See ya Sunday!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

BBQ food

Today I'm going to Lunch Bunch at church with my dad...Today's topic is "Show of your grandkids".......Well, I don't have grand kids, but they're BBQing, so I am there FO SHO! I'm in the mood for a BBQ Hamburger or brat and some good fixin's plus I kinda like spending time with my Pa. Everything is pretty much done for the wedding except the non-alocholic wine we're getting which is CRAZY delicious!! But, everything else is grand.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

I love my hair.

As of today there are 28 days left. Only 27 more "wake-ups" And even less till I see Kevin. This is going to be a great month! Yesterday my friend Amanda that I've known since 11th grade (my other sister - she looks A LOT like me...) cut my hair and did my high lights. They look spectacular! I remember I let her cut my hair before she really knew how. And she died it before she went to beauty school. I let her do whatever she wants to me hair. Always have, always will. It ALWAYS turns out wonderful, so I trust her completely. She is the best. My hair looks especially gorgeous this time. I've just been in an especially great mood lately...not sure why. But, why ask why? Just roll with it! Kevin's getting our air conditioner today! Yay for cool air. I'm glad he's been working so much, I'm not sure how he'd last in the apartment with no AC. I'd be extra worried ( i already worry too much about him) about him. Also, notice how you can see the weight loss in my face between the top picture and the more recent bottom picture!! Awesome!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Old Lady

Me and my sizzle went to the mall tonight and then to Max & Erma's to eat. Jen had to go to the bathroom while me and Parker went and sat down. Jenny came back to the table with a shocked look on her face. "The lady in the front told me that my old lady and my baby were straight back." WHAT?! Her old lady? I am neither old or her wife or her mother. I think this chick was just not very smart. I got called an old lady. Jen said I don't look that old...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


On my wedding checklist on there were unchecked items for the rehearsal dinner!! It's not time for that yet!! But then I remember that it almost is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my...what did I get myself into? Oh yeah, I'm in love...oh dear.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What the French Toast? You lint licker!!

It's storming crazy here. Not much else is going on here...kinda bored, still excited about Kevin coming. I have accumulated 6 packs of Orbitz gum. All diferent flavors. All delicious. Perfectly Pomegranate, Strawberry Mint (delicious), Maui Melon Mint, Fabulous Fruitini, Bubblemint (also quite delicious), and finally Sangria Fresca. I think I keep getting Orbitz because I love their commercials.

Funny stuff and quite delicious gum, any flavor you choose.

And if you get a chance, has a lot of fun free game to play. Caution: they can be quite addicting!!

And in other very fun sizzle is pregnant again!! Baby #3!! Gabby & Parker are going to have a new sibling!! Someone else to call me aunt Sissy!! Jen already told Kevin that we'll have to plan a trip back here in April of '09! I LOVE babies!!!!!!!! YAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gongrats Jenny & Eric!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Lab Shmab

I had some blood work done for the doctor a few weeks ago. My results came in the mail the other day. Everything came back normal!!! This is the first time in my whole life my lab results have come back normal! My new doctor is awesome. My polycystic ovaries are under control. My thyroid levels are perfect. My iron isn't low! My folic acid isn't low! For once, I'm normal! This is the first doctor since I started my female joy to tell me he thinks I have polycystic ovaries. My period has never been on schedule my whole life, which was actually pretty cool, but not so cool when you eventually want babies, which I sooo do. So I started on this medicine and for the first time in my whole life, my period started exactly when it was supposed to. I had been worried because in my car accident I had had a stroke in my coma. So the doctors told me I couldn't do regular birth control because of blood clotting. But I talked to my new OB/GYN at my last appointment and she explained I just couldn't use birth control with estrogen in it! But there will still some options for me!! So that visit I got the Depro-vera Shot! Not only are my labs normal, but now we won't have a baby till we're ready. AWESOME! Sorry if I grossed a few of you out.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Goodness Gracious

It is officially August. AUGUST?!?!?! I'm getting married and moving in 1 month! 1 MONTH?!?!?!?! I'm just excited about seeing Kevie Wevie, my baby! Sick, I know. Haha Man I remember when it was the first day of July.